Posts that fed into the book, providing more extensive examples
and embedded links to background references, plus posts done after publication.
and embedded links to background references, plus posts done after publication.
+Posts written after the writing of the book are in italics.
For a fuller and possibly more current list of materials on FairPay, including my blog, journal articles and other publications, see the Selected Items tab (above).
References (with hyperlinks)
Notable updates -- important new material
- +"Risk-Free" Subscriptions to The Celestial Jukebox? (A Working Draft)
A less radical 80/20 step toward customizing risk-free subscriptions with post-pricing.
This is perhaps the most important update -- as a way for businesses to improve reach and ease in to more win-win models, while retaining full control of price schedules. - +The Elements of Next-Gen Relationships and Pricing -- A Unifying Framework
The key elements of FairPay as components that can be mixed and matched.
This is also a very important update. - +FairPay Changes the "Game" of Commerce (revised process diagram)
This post-publication revision provides a slight clarification to the basic FairPay process diagram -- to emphasize its simple structure as repeated game. - +The Relationship Economy -- It's All About Valuing Customer Experiences
The emerging broad trends that lead to FairPay - +Finding Value in The Subscription Economy
Understanding how current and new strategies rank along a "ladder of value." - +The Streaming War to End All-You-Can-Eat Streaming Wars
The trenches are the deadweight loss of all-you-can-eat (AYCE) subscriptions - +Finding Good and Fair Customers -- Where Are the Sweet Spots?
Finding receptive segments for FairPay and growing from there. - +Value-Based Pricing Is Transforming B2B -- Now for B2C...
Proven success for better and more profitable relationships. - +The Missing Piece of the Membership Puzzle -- Agreeing on Value for Each MemberKey Issues in emerging patronship/membership variants of subscription models.
- +"The Case Against Micropayments" versus "Subscription Hell" -- Finding Flexibility"Users hate them" but there is a better way, one that blends with subscriptions
- +The Reformation of Market Capitalism in The Age of the Customer -- Profiting From "Social Responsibility as a Service"
How FairPay can bring market economics to Corporate Social Responsibility - +WTF?: A New, Better, Warm-Blooded Capitalism -- Linking Profit to Human Values
How individual companies can move in directions advocated in Tim O'Reilly's book.
++On the crisis in social media -- need for creative alternatives to the ad model:
- +An Open Letter to Influencers Concerned About Facebook and Other Platforms
- +Who Should Pay the Piper for Facebook? (& the rest)
Prolog: A Thought Experiment—Imagine a Value-Pricing Demon
Part I The Big Picture—A New Logic
Chapter 1 Introduction—Digital Disruption and Yesterday’s Logic
Chapter 2 Business Overview—Part 1: Basic Concepts—How and Why
- Price = Value
- Harnessing the Demons of The Digital Economy
- An Invisible Handshake for The Digital Wealth of Nations
- Win-Win Customer Journeys -- With Dialogs on Value
- +Value-Based Pricing Is Transforming B2B -- Now for B2C...
- +The Relationship Economy -- It's All About Valuing Customer Experiences
- +The Elements of Next-Gen Relationships and Pricing -- A Unifying Framework
- +"Risk-Free" Subscriptions to The Celestial Jukebox? (A Working Draft)
- So Last Century! - It's Time to End the Tyranny of Set Prices
- The Long Tail of Prices -- Uncoil it with FairPay
- Cutting the Gordian Knot of Price Setting: FairPay, Pay Walls, Hurdles, and Simplicity
- Harnessing the Demons of The Digital Economy
- An Invisible Handshake for The Digital Wealth of Nations
- Win-Win Customer Journeys -- With Dialogs on Value
- +Customer Journeys of Value -- Measuring the Elements of Value
- Business Model Generation with a new spin: FairPay Revenue Models
- A Sample FairPay Offer to Consumers (with full FAQ)
- Harnessing the Demons of The Digital Economy
- An Invisible Handshake for The Digital Wealth of Nations
- Price = Value
- Win-Win Customer Journeys -- With Dialogs on Value
- Business Model Generation with a new spin: FairPay Revenue Models
Part II Applications in Industry
Chapter 7 Making It Work—Operational Details, Tools, Continuous Learning and Adaptation
- Guiding FairPay Pricing for Control and Predictability
- +FairPay Changes the "Game" of Commerce (revised diagram)
- FairPay Process Dynamics -- a Big Picture Diagram (original version)
- FairPay Pricing -- Some Process Diagrams
- Patron-izing Journalism -- Beyond Paywalls, Meters, and Membership
- +The Missing Piece of the Membership Puzzle -- Agreeing on Value for Each Member
- +No, Peggy, That is Not "All There Is" to News Reader Revenue!
- +"Invisibly"? -- Or Visibly? ..."Finding the New Revenue Stream Publishers Dream Of"
- +Panic in the Streets! Now People are Ready to Patron-ize Journalism!
- "Why should I pay you?" - Bezos' Washington Post - a New Business Model for Journalism
- Pierre Omidyar: Adventures in New Business Models for Journalism
- Times Premier? [/Insider?] -- What is it really worth? ...FairPay can tell
- How Blendle Could Do Much Better with FairPay
- +"The Case Against Micropayments" versus "Subscription Hell" -- Finding Flexibility
- +BuzzFeed, Google, Testing Recurring 'Pay What You Want' Membership -- Steps in the Right Direction
- +The Streaming War to End All-You-Can-Eat Streaming Wars
- Post-Bundling -- Packaging Better TV/Video Value Propositions with 20-20 Hindsight
- +Open Letter to Robert Iger on "Designing" the ESPN Fan's Experience
Chapter 10 More Variations: App Stores, Indies, E-Books, Virality
- FairPay for the App Store -- A Radical Pricing Process for Higher Revenue
- "E-Books Are Reading You" -- How That Enables a New and Far Better Economics
Chapter 12 FairPay for Nonprofit Organizations
- A Better Revenue Strategy for Non-Profits in the Digital Era
- +A Platform for Teaching Men to Fish -- "Revenue-as-a-Service" for Non-Profit Impact
Chapter 14 Learning the New Logic—Low-Risk Testing, Sweet Spots, and Continuous Adaptation
- +Finding Good and Fair Customers -- Where Are the Sweet Spots?
- Winning Back Lost Customers -- Before They Get Lost
- +"Risk-Free" Subscriptions to The Celestial Jukebox? (A Working Draft)
Chapter 16 Proving the Concept
Part III Needs and Perspectives
Chapter 17 Practical Business Comparison to Conventional Methods
- Beyond the Deadweight Loss of "All You Can Eat" Subscriptions
- Beyond Freemium -- Free? Paid? Freemium?... Finding Whatever Works
- Paywall 2.0 ...and Paywall 3.0 -- Focus on the Customer!
- +Finding Value in The Subscription Economy
- +Partners, not Suckers -- From Price Discrimination to Value Discrimination
- Ad-blocking -- Kicking and Screaming to Win-Win Value Propositions
- +An Open Letter to Influencers Concerned About Facebook and Other Platforms
- +Who Should Pay the Piper for Facebook? (& the rest)
Part IV Toward a New Economics
Chapter 20 Why It Works—Behavioral Economics, Psychology, and Game Theory
- Making Customers Want to Pay You -- Research on How FairPay Changes the Game
- Thinking Fast and Slow about FairPay: A New Psychology for Commerce in a Networked Age
- Pay What You Want -- Still Crazy After All These Years?
- Tipping, Fair Pay, and FairPay
Chapter 22 Societal Perspectives—Markets That Center on Human Values
- Harnessing the Demons of The Digital Economy
- An Invisible Handshake for The Digital Wealth of Nations
- How Market Commerce Can Become More Cooperative, Fair, and Human
- How Consumers Can Nudge Corporations for Good
- Turning the Invisible Hand to Create Shared Value -- The FairPay Strategy
- +The Reformation of Market Capitalism in The Age of the Customer -- Profiting From "Social Responsibility as a Service"
- +WTF?: A New, Better, Warm-Blooded Capitalism -- Linking Profit to Human Values
Chapter 24 Taking Action—Implementation of FairPay
The FairPay Manifesto
References (with hyperlinks)
Other FairPay Background
Short, readable overview of the core ideas (11/15/18)
Information Wants to be Free; Consumers May Want to Pay
A Novel Revenue Architecture to Monetize Digital Goods.

Richard Reisman, Marco Bertini (ESADE Business School)
(Brief recap in ESADE Knowledge (3/19/18)
Three Building Blocks to Monetize a Digital Business)

Invited paper on FairPay and other models (accepted 6/21/19)
Pricing in Consumer Digital Markets: A Dynamic Framework
Harvard Business Review

Let the Customer Set the Price.
Richard Reisman, Marco Bertini (ESADE B-School) (11/18/13)
(Very brief - the above journal paper expands on this)
Analyst Review:
Consultant John Blossom:
Pay as You Exit: FairPay Explores New Content Pricing Discovery Regimes

Video and Slide Introduction
Video and slides of Reisman presentations
Sample FairPay Offer
This sample offer letter to consumers (with FAQ) shows how a newspaper might frame FairPay as a privileged benefit to regular patrons – to enable them to participate in a win-win pricing process and personalize their value propositions – as an alternative to a standard freemium "soft paywall."
Original Introduction to FairPay
In some depth, not much the worse for age (6/20/10)
FairPay: The Future of a Radical Pricing Process
Some technical notes on exemplary algorithm details
Consultant John Blossom:
Pay as You Exit: FairPay Explores New Content Pricing Discovery Regimes
Video and Slide Introduction
Video and slides of Reisman presentations
Sample FairPay Offer
This sample offer letter to consumers (with FAQ) shows how a newspaper might frame FairPay as a privileged benefit to regular patrons – to enable them to participate in a win-win pricing process and personalize their value propositions – as an alternative to a standard freemium "soft paywall."
Original Introduction to FairPay
In some depth, not much the worse for age (6/20/10)
FairPay: The Future of a Radical Pricing Process
Some technical notes on exemplary algorithm details